
Subscription Plan

  • Fee Details

    8 users licenses
    $149.00/ month
    $ 14.90/ month
    Valid until 31 Dec, 2024.
    Additional Users
    $ 12.50/ month per user

    Subscription Fee:$14.90
    Additional License Fee: $0.00
    Recurring Clinic
    Subscription Fee: $14.90
    One Time Account Setup Fee: $199.00
    Net Payable: $213.90
    Applicable tax shall apply.


  • Receive prescription request in app
  • Process prescription refill in app
  • Receive appointment request in app
  • Process appointment in app
  • Get notification and alerts of refills, appointment
  • Analytics on prescriptions, appointments
  • Review shared documents in app
  • Messaging with patient and pharmacy *
  • Messaging available with subscribing pharmacy only *

Subscription Summary

Monthly Plan for Clinic ( 8 Users )
Total: $ 14.90 per month  + Setup Fee (One time)=$199.00
 Grand Total $ 213.90

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